Red zone

Hourly ticket

  • Unlimited parking time
  • 18 streets

Business card

408 RSD /DAY
  • Unlimited parking time
  • 18 streets
R. no.Type of parking ticketEat. measuresPrice without VATVATThe price
1Hourly ticket Hour45.839.1755.00
2Business cardDay340.0068.00408.00
3Monthly subscription cardMonth3,465.00693.004,158.00
4Monthly preferential ticket for tenantsMonth665.00133.00798.00
5Subscription card for 3 months3 months9,870.001,974.0011,844.00
6Subscription ticket for 6 months6 months18,700.003,740.0022,440.00
7Subscription ticket for 12 months12 months35,320.007,064.0042,384.00
8Ticket for reserved parking spaces from 7 am to 3 pmMonth10,750.002,150.0012,900.00
9Ticket for reserved parking spaces within 24 hoursMonth12,875.002,575.0015,450.00

List of streets located in the red zone

Street name Part of the street
Age Mamužića the whole street
Albe Malagurskog the whole street
Branislava Nušića the whole street
Braće Radić from Albe Malagurskog to Maksima Gorkog
Vase Stajića from Partizanske to Đure Đakovića
Vladimira Nazora the whole street
Vuka Karadžića from Vase Stajića to ulice Korzo
Dimitrija Tucovića the whole street
Đure Đakovića the whole street
Ive Vojnovića the whole street
Korzo the whole street
Lanji Ernea the whole street
Matije Korvina from Vase Stajića to Zmaj Jovine
Matka Vukovića the whole street
Parka Rajhla Ferenca from Palate Rajhl to Bose Milićević
Petra Drapšina the whole street
Rudić ulica the whole street
Trg Republike the whole street
Trg Slobode the whole street
Cara Dušana the whole street
Štrosmajerova the whole street

Payment methods

SMS message

The simplest, by sending an SMS message

Parking card

By purchasing a parking card at a nearby kiosk

Parking meters

On one of the devices that are located in the parks

Daily ticket

It is issued for unpaid parking longer than 15 minutes

Privileged ticket

In advance, by purchasing a privileged ticket at the ticket office

Subscription card

By purchasing at the cash register or electronically

SMS message

The simplest, by sending an SMS message

Parking card

By purchasing a parking card at a nearby kiosk

Daily ticket

It is issued for unpaid parking longer than 15 minutes

Parking meters

On one of the devices that are located in the parks

Privileged ticket

By purchasing a privileged ticket at the ticket office

Subscription card

By purchasing at the cash register or electronically